Lifting the safety standard – the forklift on a construction site
Safe use of forklifts in the construction industryMuddy, rutted access routes, and tradesmen milling around, are just some of the challenges facing the forklift operator on a cons...
How to stop dust killing your forklift
Forklift truck engines naturally pick up dust and dirt from the surroundings and floor – causing poor fuel economy, reduced reliability and high engine wear. What can be done?You ...
Never say die?
Closing the lift truck material loop.In this anniversary issue, Gay Sutton looks behind the scenes to see what happens to that trusted old warhorse – the forklift truck – when it’...
Financing materials handling equipment: interview with a specialist
A premium manufacturer like Cat® Lift Trucks understands that designing and producing a large range of forklift and warehouse trucks is just part of the deal. It must also provide...